Green Utopia
Will trees store electricity in the future? Will we eat CO2 and store it in buildings? Will our behavior change faster than the climate? Students from Graz University of Technology and FH Joanneum have visualized current research results as part of Design Month Graz on eight utopias of a green future.
© Miriam Raneburger

“Green Utopia” outlines a world that is sustainable and climate-friendly. The interdisciplinary project by Green Tech Valley together with Creative Industries Styria, Holzcluster Steiermark, TU Graz and the Institute of Design and Communication at FH Joanneum shows how current research contributes to great solutions – made in Green Tech Valley.

At the “Green Utopia Symposium” on 24 May 2023, eight student teams from the Institute of Design and Communication at FH Joanneum presented short videos of their green utopias, which, from a technical point of view, have what it takes to be realized. The videos ranged from new lifestyles after the consumer society, climate-positive construction to trees as electricity storage for stable grids. The ideas were developed together with students from Graz University of Technology. Afterwards, a panel of researchers and company representatives discussed this topic and the future of green technologies.

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Forest City

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Next Mobility

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Fairytale Life

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100% Circular

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Buildings store CO2

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CO2 for Food

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CO2 for Food

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Green-in vs. Black-out

Making-of Green Utopia

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Impressions of the Green Utopia Symposium